Wednesday 4 January 2017


YITSKHOK (IZACHAK) (b. August 27, 1893)
            The pseudonym of Yitskhok Rozenblat, he was born in Darabani, Romania.  He lived in Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, and France, from which in 1913 he emigrated to the United States.  He studied at the Universities of Pittsburgh and Texas and received his doctoral degree.  He wrote in Yiddish, French, and English.  He was the author of the historical drama: Mir, di gefalane (We the fallen) (New York, 1925), 130 pp., in which is depicted the Bar Kokhba uprising.  He also published the dramatic poem: The Marriage of Hosea, a Passion Play in Three Acts (New York, 1922), 174 pp.  He was a cofounder, with Dr. Sh. Melamed and others, of the English-language Jewish magazine, The Reflex, in New York.  He served as a member of the editorial board and was a principal contributor to The Jewish Forum.  He was last living in New York.

Sources: P. Vyernik, in Morgn-zhurnal (New York) (June 20, 1927); Kalmen Marmor, in Di frayhayt (New York) (June 27, 1927).
Khayim Leyb Fuks

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